Friday, 14 September 2012

Alien rights

Should students from other countries be treated differently? They are not familiar with our system, culture and expectations and therefore may require time to adjust. As a student in America I never got any special treatment and I am thankful for that. But should every foreign student be judged by the same yardstick? The problem is that many of them don't take the initiative or do it very late in the day.
Thai students who suddenly arrived in July 2005 posed a different challenge. The were very timid and unfamiliar with English and it took them a year to gather the strength to come forward and ask for help.
Today, when there is a debate on how to integrate the foreign students into the mainstream, there seems to be no consensus. There is an ad hoc strategy based on individual cases and that does not augur well. We, of course, need to discuss the issue with the stakeholders as it is important for everyone to feel part of the University and be proud of it.

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